Welcome to J.B.S Mental Heath Authority
 I.T Help Desk

If you are having any issues with your Computers, Network, Email, or Software you will need to submit a ticket

Please sign in with your User Name followed by your password for you're department. If you dont know you're username and password just email me from the address below and I'll let you know.  

To Submit a ticket Fill out The Help Request information with a detail description of the issue you are having. Make sure you put in you're location, contact info, and email and we will get with you as quick as we can.

If you do not see you're location or need it changed in the drop down box please email me at cchampion@jbsmha.com with the info and I'll have it added

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If checked, an authentication token will be stored in a cookie in your browser for the next two weeks, preventing the need to re-enter your login credentials when your session expires. Logging out will clear the authentication cookie.

Do not check this option if you are using a public computer.
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